Yes, solar storms are on the rise, but don’t lose sleep over an “internet apocalypse.”

Despite what many headlines have said, there is no internet apocalypse on the horizon. Concerns about such a long-running catastrophe began spreading across social media platforms not long after a 2021 study titled “Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse” suggested a major solar storm could severely damage internet wires. , especially those submarines that … Read more

Maxine Waters: “We don’t know the dangers of AI”

Rep. Maxine Waters (D, CA), the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, says AI is ahead of Congress’s ability to regulate it and lawmakers need to move quickly. “We don’t know all the dangers of artificial intelligence,” Waters said in an exclusive interview with Yahoo Finance on Thursday. “We don’t know what creations … Read more

Don’t you really understand microchips? Take advantage of AI trends through these other top titles. | The motley fool

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now and it’s everywhere, including the stock market. NvidiaAND C3.aifor example, whose businesses are both focused on artificial intelligence, are up nearly 200% this year. It’s hard to know how much of this is hype and how much of this is the result of far-reaching potential. One … Read more

Because suggestions like “turn off your iPhone for five minutes” don’t actually help users

Last week, the Australian prime minister offered some safety advice for iPhone users, suggesting that everyone should turn off their iPhone for five minutes every night. On the surface, this may seem like harmless advice for iPhone users, but the reality is a bit more nuanced. Indeed, such broad and generalized statements as this one … Read more