How to deal with AI anxiety

Image for the article titled How to Cope with AI Anxiety

Photo: Vadim ZH (Shutterstock)

Even tech-savvy people have been amazed by the recent rapid growth of AI technology, capable of holding human-like conversations in multiple languages, creating music and pass medical tests. While the potential benefits of artificial intelligence in fields such as health care they are really inspiring, the pace of change is rapid and there is still a lot of uncertainty about the future.

If you feel concerned about how AI might affect your career, your privacy or your security in the coming years, you may experience anxiety about AI. This term, coined by a marketing agency AND dissemination on social mediadescribes feeling uneasy about the effects of AI on human creativity and inventiveness.

Anxiety Disorders they are often related to difficulty coping with uncertainty and ambiguity. People feel anxious not only about what exists, but also about what is unknown. AI anxiety comes from feelings of uncertainty about AI’s potential to, for example, create fake videos and spread disinformation that polarizes populations. Some AI-generated content can also cause a negative emotional reaction from viewers. This creepy feeling when a character or AI voice he is eerily close to, but not quite, human is known as the Uncanny Valley.

It might be helpful to remember that these feelings aren’t necessarily new. Similar concerns about technological advances, such as computerphobia, computer anxiety AND technostress already emerged in the 80s.

In many ways, AI anxiety is similar to the eco-anxiety that many young people feel about climate change. Like environmental degradation, rapid digitization is the result of human activity. Many people now feel that both are spiraling out of their control.

But AI anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life. Excessive worrying can affect daily activities and even lead to other medical problemsand it can prevent you from seeing the positive aspects of digital progress. Below are three tips for coping.

1. Realize that AI is already here.

Lack of familiarity with AI technology could lead to feelings of fear and anxiety towards it. Take a moment to think about what AI is like already part of our life it could make new tools that use similar algorithms less intimidating.

For example, many people use Siri apples to search for nearby restaurants or select a movie based on Netflix recommendations. AI is also part of learning new languages ​​with Duolingoor using Google Maps to navigate in a new city.

2. Prepare yourself for new career prospects.

It is almost certain that artificial intelligence will affect the workforce of the next generations. A 2020 report of the World Economic Forum predicted that 85 million jobs will be replaced by AI by 2025, while AI could potentially generate 97 million new roles in 26 countries.

But you can prepare by learning how to use AI tools for theirs full potential in your current or future career. Several online courses are available to give you a better understanding of how AI will affect your field and help you prepare by developing your digital skills.

It’s important, though, to be aware of keeping up with human skills such as interpersonal skills or emotional intelligence that AI cannot (yet) replace. A combination of digital and transversal skills are required for the future health of the workforce.

3. Take a break. Walk in the woods.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, turn off your digital devices or take a break from screens. Using new AI tools or reading headlines could make you feel anxious or upset. The search has found that reducing non-work-related digital screen use improves general well-being and mood. Ironically, there are useful digital support tools, such as Digital detoxwhich can lend a hand you cut down on screen time.

You may also be able to use artificial intelligence or other digital tools to enrich your offline life. For example, using Google Maps to plot a safe cycle route or asking ChatGPT for a recipe to cook with friends. That way, you can take a screen break to remind yourself of the benefits technology can bring to your life—two great ways to reduce AI anxiety.

4. Find out about the rules.

While you shouldn’t spend all your time reading it (remember tip number three), it might be helpful to stay informed about advances in AI regulation. With eco-anxiety, it can be frustrating to hear that governments are not acting quickly, but those anxious about AI could be reassured that some governments are taking the risks seriously.

For example, the EU has just passed a draft law, the law on AIto regulate the use of AI in society.

TO THE creators and more tech savvybelieve AI regulation is essential to build trust in the technology before it is used more widely. Good regulation could maximize the value that AI brings to society while minimizing the risks and anxiety of AI.

Want to learn more about AI, chatbots and the future of machine learning? Check out our full coverage of artificial intelligenceor browse our guides at The best free AI art generators AND Everything we know about OpenAIs ChatGPT.

Sanae Okamotoresearcher in behavioral sciences and psychology, United Nations University – Maastricht Institute for Economic and Social Research (UNU-MERIT), United Nations University

This article is republished by The conversation licensed under Creative Commons. Read the original article.

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